The potion of Apple Cider Vinegar for PCOS
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For women of age to become mothers, PCOS is a highly prevalent hormonal issue. High testosterone levels, irregular ovulation, and a profusion of tiny ovarian cysts are all common in PCOS-affected women. Infertility, weight gain, infertile periods, acne, and irregular or skipped menstrual cycles are all possible side effects of PCOS.
For females with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) from puberty through the postmenopausal stage, diagnosis, and treatment are critical to maintaining or restoring fertility, minimizing symptoms, and averting consequences. Now, looking once at the title, you must be thinking of a question: can we drink apple cider vinegar during periods? We are going to discuss the answer to this question further.
Studies done on ACV and PCOS connection
For women with PCOS, it comes to mind that is apple cider vinegar good for PCOD/PCOS, and the reality is that apple cider vinegar is frequently suggested as a natural treatment. The explanation is that women with PCOS are more likely to develop diabetes. Moreover, it has been discovered that Apple Cider Vinegar for PCOS helps lower insulin resistance. ACV was shown to increase insulin sensitivity in PCOS-affected women in a 2017 study. In a different 2013 trial, ACV assisted women in 40 days to return to normal ovulatory function.
Reducing the quantity of sugar taken in our bloodstream can be achieved by taking 1-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (ACV) before a meal.
Furthermore, because ACV has inherent antibacterial properties, it prevents the growth of germs in our digestive tract and helps shield PCOS-afflicted women from leaky gut syndrome.
ACV may be beneficial for controlling adult lipid markers and blood sugar levels, according to a different 2012 study. Therefore, using apple vinegar can help you achieve your weight loss objectives as well.
Food consumption and PCOS
The ideal foods for PCOS sufferers are vegetables, fruits high in fibre, lean proteins, whole grain foods, and monounsaturated fats. If you have PCOS, stay away from processed foods, high-fat foods, baked goods, desserts, and excessive amounts of salt or sugar.
In this blog, we will discuss the importance of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) in the treatment of PCOS.
What would happen if Apple Cider Vinegar for PCOS was taken daily? Although there are health benefits to consuming apple cider vinegar, it can be hazardous to consistently consume significant amounts of it for extended periods and may have adverse effects, such as lowered blood potassium levels.
Now the question arises: is it okay to take ACV for PCOS every day? Most people can safely ingest appropriate dosages of apple cider vinegar according to the following general recommendations: Restrict the amount you consume. Depending on your tolerance, begin with a small amount and work your way towards a maximum of 2 teaspoons (30 mL) every day, diluted in water.
Time taken by ACV to work for PCOS
Each person’s experience with ACV’s ability to treat PCOS is unique. But you must maintain consistency in your consumption if you hope to achieve the intended effects. For best results, take ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) for at least four to five weeks or perhaps two months. You ought to consume it in conjunction with a balanced diet as well. Additionally, never forget to work out every day to maintain your health and happiness.
It may further deplete your body’s potassium stores, so if you already have low potassium levels, you should speak with a doctor before taking it. Additionally, Apple Cider Vinegar for PCOS may interfere with medications such as insulin. It is usually essential to follow your healthcare provider’s advice (like Dt. Rukhsana Azhar) in such situations.
PCOS impacts the female body
The release of a mature egg from an ovary is known as ovulation. This takes place to enable fertilization by a man’s sperm. The egg is expelled from the body throughout your period if it is not fertilized.
Sometimes, a woman produces insufficient amounts of the hormones required for ovulation. The ovaries may produce numerous tiny, fluid-filled sacs (called cysts) if ovulation is unsuccessful. These cysts produce androgens, which are hormones. Women often have fewer quantities of androgens, a kind of hormone that is typically present in greater quantities in men. High testosterone levels are common in PCOS-affected women. This may result in further issues for a woman’s menstrual cycle. Also, it may be the root cause of numerous PCOS symptoms.
Is PCOS impacted by ACV consumption?
Research appears to indicate that apple cider vinegar can benefit PCOS-affected women in several ways! As usual, see a doctor before beginning any new regimen or supplement, and Apple Cider Vinegar for PCOS (ACV for PCOS) should not be the only tool used to control PCOS.
Regarding nutrition, diluted apple cider vinegar has very few calories per serving; it has virtually little fat, carbs, or protein and no fiber. Consider it an excellent method of enhancing the flavor of meals without consuming more calories or salt.
Importance of PCOS management
Therapies can help you control PCOS symptoms and reduce your risk of developing chronic health issues like heart disease and diabetes.
To develop a treatment plan, you should discuss your goals with Dt. Rukhsana Azhar. For instance, assisting with conception would be the main goal of your treatment if you wanted to get pregnant but were having problems. Treatment for skin issues would be the focus if you wanted to control acne caused by PCOS.
Regulation of insulin levels
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is especially important for those with PCOS because of its possible function in controlling insulin levels. Research indicates that ACV may help with improved glucose regulation by increasing insulin sensitivity. It is thought that the acetic acid in ACV helps achieve this goal by lowering insulin resistance, a problem that is frequently associated with PCOS.
Apple Cider Vinegar for PCOS may help stabilize blood sugar levels and maybe support hormonal balance and weight management by encouraging the more effective use of insulin. Although further research is required, integrating ACV into a healthy lifestyle may provide people with PCOS with an easy-to-use and natural approach.
Influence on blood sugar levels
Studies indicate that by delaying the absorption of sugar from the digestive tract, ACV may help reduce blood sugar rises that occur after meals. This process is thought to be significantly aided by the presence of acetic acid in ACV.
ACV may enhance insulin sensitivity by regulating blood sugar levels, which may be advantageous for PCOS patients who frequently struggle with glucose regulation. ACV consumption may provide a quick and all-natural way to help control PCOS-related blood sugar swings.
ACV consumption in PCOS for weight management
Research on apple cider vinegar and weight loss is limited; however, some evidence suggests it may be helpful. A 17-ounce (500 ml) beverage containing a spoonful (15 ml), two spoonfuls (30 ml), or simply no vinegar was consumed daily by persons with obesity as part of one trial. Following 12 weeks, there was a notable decrease in weight and belly fat between the vinegar groups and the control group (8Reliable Source). The acetic acid found in vinegar is thought to have these weight reduction effects because it can slow down digestion, curb appetite, reduce fat storage, improve fat burning, and postpone the ejection of hunger hormones.
ACV’s acetic acid profile is thought to improve insulin sensitivity, which is important for PCOS patients who are trying to lose weight. ACV for PCOS may aid in the regulation of blood sugar levels and provide a more hormonally balanced environment.
Apple Cider Vinegar for PCOS and hormonal balances in PCOS
The possibility of apple cider vinegar (ACV) to balance PCOS-related hormonal disorders is drawing attention. The acetic acid in ACV may help to regulate insulin levels, which would enhance hormonal balance. Because insulin sensitivity affects the control of sex hormones, it is essential for managing PCOS.
ACV may indirectly aid in the regulation of estrogen and testosterone levels through its beneficial effects on insulin function. The capability of ACV to affect hormone dynamics raises the possibility that it can serve as a beneficial natural supplement to conventional PCOS care techniques, providing a comprehensive strategy to address the complex aspects of hormonal disorders in PCOS, even though more research is necessary. Now you can understand how apple cider vinegar is good for PCOD/PCOS.
Ideal ways to consume ACV to regulate PCOS
Let’s look at the easy ways to incorporate ACV into your daily routine and take charge of PCOS management. Now, after reading this, you might have a satisfactory answer to the question: Can we drink apple cider vinegar during periods?
The steps are given below
1: Select the Correct ACV – Seek out unfiltered, raw ACV that has the “mother,” or helpful enzymes and proteins. This kind of ACV is available in most Indian grocery stores and online retailers like Amazon and Flipkart.
2: Dilute it: Combine one glass (approximately 250 ml) of water with one or two tablespoons of ACV. To enhance the flavor, you can add a small amount of lemon juice or a teaspoon of honey.
3: Start small. If you’ve never used ACV before, start with a modest dose and work your way up. ACV can be added to a bottle of water one teaspoon at a time, up to one or two tablespoons eventually.
4: Timing is important – It’s advisable to take ACV before or during meals. By doing so, you can lessen the chance of stomach and throat irritation and aid in digestion.
5: Be Consistent – Regularly consume ACV to get potential advantages. Depending on how often it works best for you, you can have it at least once a day.
6: Cleanse your mouth using water – To prevent potential acidity on your teeth, rinse your mouth out after consuming Apple Cider Vinegar for PCOS.
How Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help the Ovaries?
According to studies, ovarian cysts caused by nutritional inadequacies can be reduced in size or eliminated with Apple Cider Vinegar for PCOS. Additionally, despite there isn’t any conclusive scientific evidence to support it, consuming this kind of vinegar can result in more regular periods.
Does an Ovarian Cyst Shrink with Apple Cider Vinegar?
Studies have indeed shown that apple vinegar helps heal ovarian cysts. On the other hand, research has focused on cysts in the ovaries that developed as a result of PCOS rather than other medical conditions.
How is your period affected by ACV?
ACV doesn’t appear to be stopping anytime soon. Apple cider vinegar dosages regularly may also be detrimental to your teeth and the sensitive tissues of the throat and mouth. Avoid consuming ACV for PCOS directly from the bottle. For added safety and taste, dilute it by using water or another drink.
Is Female Hormone Balance Achieved by Apple Cider Vinegar?
Our body uses apple cider vinegar to help break down food protein into amino acids that our bodies use. Our body uses amino acids for several critical processes, one of which is hormone regulation. Therefore, it is true that apple cider vinegar can aid in the balancing of female hormones.
Are Periods Affected by Apple Cider Vinegar for PCOS?
According to studies, consuming this vinegar can help menstrual cycles become more regular. Still, there isn’t any solid scientific data to support these assertions.

Hello My Name is Dt. Ruksana Azhar and I am a certified dietician and providing online & offline services for Weight Management, PCOS/PCOD Management, Diabetes Management , etc. I have 12+ years of experience in the Apollo Hospital Delhi , Max Super Specialty Hospital Delhi, Lilavati Hospital Mumbai and VLCC healthcare Mumbai. I loves to write healthcare and lifestyle related blog. My favorite part of being a doctor is the opportunity to directly improve the health and wellbeing of my patients and to develop professional and personal relationships with them.