ESSENTIAL PNEUMONIA DIET PLAN : A complete healing of infected lungs
Table of Contents
- 1 ESSENTIAL PNEUMONIA DIET PLAN : A complete healing of infected lungs
- 1.1 Food items to include in Pneumonia Diet Plan for complete recovery
- 1.1.1 Key elements of an effective pneumonia dietary chart consist of:
- 7 Day Pneumonia Diet Chart For Speedy Recovery
- Foods to avoid with Pneumonia:
- FAQs regarding pneumonia diet plan:
- What should be kept in mind while selecting a diet plan for Pneumonia?
- What is the role of a specialized pneumonia diet plan in the healing process?
- How do you control Pneumonia in its early stage?
- Which fruit is best for Pneumonia?
- 1.1.1 Key elements of an effective pneumonia dietary chart consist of:
Pneumonia is a respiratory ailment characterized by infection or inflammation of the air sacs within the lungs. These sacs become flooded with fluid, pus, and mucus, leading to potentially fatal complications such as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) if appropriate treatment is not sought promptly. Upon diagnosis, adhering strictly to medication and treatment protocols prescribed by a pulmonologist is essential. Additionally, proper nutrition plays a critical role in healing inflamed lungs; following a carefully crafted pneumonia diet plan can help manage symptoms efficiently.
Symptoms of Pneumonia
Most common symptoms include phlegm production with coughing, fever accompanied by chills and sweating, rapid heart rate, difficulty in breathing, chest congestion, loss of appetite and fatigue. If left untreated for an extended period, these symptoms may deteriorate into severe lung damage that could be permanent.
Infants and newborns may exhibit no signs of infections. They may, however, vomit, experience cough and fever as well as appear exhausted or restless or experience breathing difficulties and eating.
What causes Pneumonia
The most prevalent types of airborne microorganisms comprise viruses and bacteria. The body normally stops the virus from affecting your lung. But, even when you’re considered to be physically healthy, these viruses can in fact overpower the immune system.
Pneumonia is classified according to the type of germ that cause it as well as its prevalence.
Food items to include in Pneumonia Diet Plan for complete recovery
Pneumonia compromises the immune system, rendering patients vulnerable to additional infections. This condition frequently results in significant fluctuations in blood pressure and glucose levels. Pneumonia also induces intense dehydration, causing a marked decline in appetite and temporary anorexia (resulting in substantial weight loss). Therefore, a well-designed diet must fuel the body with ample fluids and essential nutrients. Experience and well known dietitian Rukhsana Azhar from DIET4U WELLNESS suggested important key points as below.
Key elements of an effective pneumonia dietary chart consist of:
- Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins and other harmful foreign particles blocking the respiratory tract. It is very important to keep your body hydrated to fight respiratory infections. Sipping on water and other warm hydrating liquids helps dissolve the mucus buildup in the airways.
- A fluid diet that includes fresh fruit juices, warm soups, smoothies, coconut water, buttermilk, etc., should be a vital portion of your pneumonia diet plan.
- Carbohydrates-rich whole grains like brown rice, oats, barley and multigrain provide the energy required for maintaining normal body temperature and quick recovery.
- Protein-rich food like pulses, nuts, paneer, legumes, seeds, chicken, and fish should be consumed daily to build new healthy body tissues and replace the damaged ones.
- Nutrient-dense green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, lettuce, etc., that are rich in antioxidants help recover from respiratory infections.
- Citrus foods are loaded with vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system. Citrus fruits include oranges, grapes, kiwis, apples, berries, papaya, pomegranate, etc.
- Probiotics: curd is the best and most readily available probiotic that promotes good gut bacteria. It fights the pathogens that cause Pneumonia and also boosts the immune system.
- Must include honey, turmeric and garlic in your diet. These are traditionally used Ayurvedic remedies enriched with anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. Garlic stimulates the production of glutathione, which detoxifies the lungs. These three ingredients are excellent in calming the discomfort caused by cold, cough and sore throat symptoms of Pneumonia.
7 Day Pneumonia Diet Chart For Speedy Recovery
Foods to avoid with Pneumonia:
Although certain foods can aid in the recovery process for Pneumonia, specific items may worsen the condition. It is imperative to steer clear of such food during your healing period. Foods to avoid include:
- Alcohol
- Sugar and jaggery should be avoided to keep sugar levels in check.
- Root vegetables like potato, carrots, yam(oal), Colocasia (arbi)
- Sugar-rich fruits like mango, banana, etc
- Aerated drinks like cold drinks and packaged juices.
- Ice-cream
- Few dry fruits like almonds, cashews, and raisins must also be avoided.
- Caffeine drinks like tea and coffee. Caffeine dehydrates the body.
- Saturated and Trans fats alter the healing process. Hence, they should be completely excluded from your pneumonia diet plan.
- Salt intake has to be controlled as Pneumonia causes fluctuation in blood pressure.
- Processed meat
FAQs regarding pneumonia diet plan:
What should be kept in mind while selecting a diet plan for Pneumonia?
A pneumonia diet plan should include protein-rich food, carbs, probiotics, and vital vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C. The diet should be rich in fluids and should be easily digestible.
What is the role of a specialized pneumonia diet plan in the healing process?
A well-balanced and specialized diet plan helps boost the immune system, recover damaged body tissues, soothe the symptoms of Pneumonia, control inflammation and balance blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Following such a diet plan assists the medication and promotes speedy recovery.
How do you control Pneumonia in its early stage?
By following the treatment protocol prescribed by your pulmonologist, taking your medications promptly, strictly following the pneumonia diet plan suggested by your dietician, you can quickly overcome the symptoms of Pneumonia and avoid it becoming fatal.
Which fruit is best for Pneumonia?
Oranges are the best fruit to add to your pneumonia diet plan. Being rich in vitamin C, it is excellent for your immune system and has antioxidant properties.
Pneumonia is a prevalent health ailment that primarily affects individuals under the age of five and those over 60 years old. While medication and dietary adjustments can typically remedy this condition, if left untreated, it may result in life-threatening consequences and irreversible lung damage. Therefore, seeking timely medical attention from a pulmonologist who can prescribe suitable medications and treatment options is crucial for recovery. Additionally, consulting an experienced dietician Dt. Rukhsana Azhar to create a personalized pneumonia diet plan can expedite healing.

Hello My Name is Dt. Ruksana Azhar and I am a certified dietician and providing online & offline services for Weight Management, PCOS/PCOD Management, Diabetes Management , etc. I have 12+ years of experience in the Apollo Hospital Delhi , Max Super Specialty Hospital Delhi, Lilavati Hospital Mumbai and VLCC healthcare Mumbai. I loves to write healthcare and lifestyle related blog. My favorite part of being a doctor is the opportunity to directly improve the health and wellbeing of my patients and to develop professional and personal relationships with them.